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Dinosaur Storytime

Page history last edited by Esther 14 years, 1 month ago

Dinosaur Storytime




Whatever Happened to the Dinosaurs by Bernard Most

How do Dinosaurs go to school? by Jane Yolen

Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp by Carol Diggory Shields

When Dinosaurs Came with Everything by Elise Broach

Trouble at the Dinosaur Cafe by Brian Moses

Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp by Carol Diggory Shields

Edwina, the dinosaur that didn't know she was extinct by Mo Willems

Dinosaur Roar by Paul Stickland



Dinosaur finger puppet:



Dinosaur Puppet

Brown Paper Bag

Card Stock


Using a dinosaur template, print out a head and body onto cardstock and cut out. Have the children glue the head and body onto a brown paper bag to create a dinosaur puppet.

Or, option 3: Brontosaurus puppet:


Go for a dinosaur stomp around the library! Turn on some fun music and act out your favorite dinosaurs while walking in a circle around the room!


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