Snowmen Storytime
all songs, fingerplays, and ideas are used for educational purposes only and not for profit.
Where possible, authors are noted.
Glue cotton balls on a coloring page of a snowman
Using toilet paper tubes or half a sheet of cardstock taped into a tube shape, hole punch two holes at the top. Put pipe cleaner through and curl to make "ear muffs". Draw on face and glue a pompom nose on.
Have a "snowball fight" using cotton balls
Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner
The Three Snowbears by Jan Brett
The more it snows
by A.A. Milne
The more it snows
Tiddly Pom
The more it goes
Tiddly Pom
the more it goes
Tiddly Pom
on snowing
And nobody knows
Tiddly Pom
How cold my toes
Tiddly Pom
How cole my toes
tiddly pom
are growing.
Flannelboard from
Five little snowmen
Five little snowmen all in a row
Each with a hat
and a big red bow
Out came the sun
and it stayed all day
And one of those snowmen melted away.
I am a snowman (
I am a snowman, cold and white Stand up tall
I stand so still through all the night
With a carrot nose Point to nose
And head held high
And a lump of coal to make each eye. Point to eyes
I have a muffler made of red, Pretend to tie scarf
And a stovepipe hat upon my head Place hands on top of head
the sun is coming out, oh my! Make big circle overhead
I think that I am going to cry Wipe tear from eyes
Yesterday I was plump and round Form large circle with arms
Now I'm just a river on the ground! Sink to the floor
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