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Music Storytime

Page history last edited by Esther 15 years, 5 months ago

Music Storytime


all songs, fingerplays, and ideas are used for educational purposes only and not for profit.

Where possible, authors are noted.


Play music on a CD and give each child a musical instrument to play while the music is playing. Some great Children's musical instruments are egg shakers, maracas, jingle bells attached to a circle of ribbon, drums, triangles, and much more.



Here we go 'round the mulberry bush by Iza Trapani

I Ain't gonna paint no more by Karen Beaumont

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree by Eileen Christelow

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly

There was an old lady who swallowed a shell by Lucille Colandro

The Itsy Bitsy Spider by Iza Trapani



Option 1

Create a small square pouch out of paper (half of an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper) and fill with beans or macaroni. Tape securely so children will be unable to tear into it. Have children color the pouch or print out a sheet that fits over the pouch with musical instruments on it and have them color that first, then attach with tape to pouch. 


Option 2:

Fill toilet paper rolls with beans or macaroni. Cover with colored Duct Tape and give to the children as a take home shaker


Option 3:

Take two styrofoam or paper plates, put together and fill with beans or macaroni, securely tape or staple the entire way around the outside of the plates. 



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